Phone Number

(303) 515-2320

Englewood, CO

799 E Hampden Ave 310, Englewood, CO 80113

Dr. Eric J. Arias, MD


Compassionate, relatable, and engaging. Dr. Arias is focused on returning patients to an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

Working as a team along with his patients and loved ones, Dr. Arias navigates through all possible surgical and non-surgical options in a comprehensible manner to develop a thorough treatment plan.



Dr. Eric J. Arias, MD


Compassionate, relatable, and engaging. Dr. Arias is focused on returning patients to an active and fulfilling lifestyle.

Working as a team along with his patients and loved ones, Dr. Arias navigates through all possible surgical and non-surgical options in a comprehensible manner to develop a thorough treatment plan.

Compassionate, Relatable, Engaging


Dr Arias is trained as both a neurosurgeon and radiologist

Dr. Arias has a robust spine practice, focusing on disorders of the neck and lower back. His approach is to start with the smallest possible surgery, avoiding fusion whenever possible, and preserving motion using disc replacement techniques.

Furthermore, Dr. Arias is a recognized leader and specialist in treating brain tumors, including meningiomas, glioblastomas, and pituitary tumors. Using minimally invasive, hair preserving approaches, Dr. Arias can achieve gross total resection of some of the most complex tumors. For appropriate tumors, Dr. Arias can offer Gamma Knife stereotactic radiosurgery, and endoscopic approaches.

Patients with lesions affecting the blood vessels of the brain and neck, such as aneurysms, arteriovenous malformations (AVMs), and carotid stenosis, greatly benefit from Dr. Arias’ sub-specialized training.

Traditionally, neurosurgeons provided open surgery for these lesions, while radiologists were able to present less invasive options by accessing arteries in the patient’s groin or wrist.  Dr. Arias trained as both a neurosurgeon and radiologist, so he can provide both options in a single visit, giving an unbiased and comprehensive perspective.

A Neurosurgeon's Journey

In addition to his practice in Colorado, Dr. Arias also provides charitable neurosurgical care to children in the Dominican Republic. In his free time he enjoys snowboarding, cycling, and hiking with his Bernese Mountain Dog. 

Dr. Arias navigates through all possible surgical and non-surgical options in a comprehensible manner to develop a thorough treatment plan.

Click through the Condition & Treatment topics below for information and before and after images:

Cervical Radiculopathy

When individual nerves are compressed, either by a herniated disc, bone spurs, or thickened ligament, the patient will develop symptoms...

Cervical Myelopathy

When the spinal cord is squeezed, signals from the brain cannot travel appropriately and reach the arms and legs. Symptoms include difficulty walking...

Cervical Deformity

Cervical deformity occurs when advanced degenerative changes cause the spine to lose its normal shape...

Brain Aneurysms

A brain aneurysm is a balloon or outpouching that forms on the wall of an artery. Just like a balloon, an aneurysm can burst, which causes bleeding around the brain...

Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM)

An arteriovenous malformation (AVM) is a tangle of blood vessels within the brain. The vast majority of these lesions are present from birth...

Moyamoya Disease

Moyamoya disease is a process where arteries in the brain narrow over time and eventually block off. The brain compensates by creating small blood vessels...

Cavernous Malformation

A cavernous malformation is a small lesion within the brain that can ooze blood. When this happens, it can damage the surrounding brain tissue...


A glioma is a tumor that starts from cells within the brain. Many different types of tumors fall under the category of glioma...


A meningioma is a growth that arises from the lining of the brain, called the dura. These lesions tend to be benign...