Phone Number

(303) 515-2320

Englewood, CO

799 E Hampden Ave 310, Englewood, CO 80113


Cervical Deformity

Cervical deformity occurs when advanced degenerative changes cause the spine to lose its normal shape. This can cause compression of both the nerves and the spinal cord. Patients can have both symptoms of radiculopathy and myelopathy.


for Cervical Deformity

Deformity Correction

In order to correct this condition, surgery is performed to restore the natural alignment of the spine. This can be done by approaching the spine from the front or back of the neck, or both. Sometimes the thickened ligaments and bone spurs are also removed, in a procedure called laminectomy.
Cervical Deformity

Case Study - 72 year old

Over a two year span, a 72 year old woman noticed increasing hand weakness, worsening shooting pain in her arms, and trouble walking requiring short, shuffling steps. An MRI showed severe degenerative changes in her neck, with her neck losing its natural curvature and tipping forward.

We performed a surgery where the fifth and sixth vertebrae in her neck were removed, (corpectomy), a C3-4 ACDF was performed, and posterior instrumentation was placed to hold everything together.

Her postoperative imaging showed correction of the deformity. She recovered well after surgery and regained her strength and improved walking.

Cervical Deformity
Cervical Deformity